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Digital Marketing Trends

Digital Marketing Trends

Digital Marketing Trends

Digital Marketing Trends

As digital marketing trends are developing each year, marketers must be aware of the changes in order to easily adjust with rising advances and remain ahead in the market. This will help them to be a part of the competitive world and become able to grow new approaches to develop their businesses, produce leads and improve the relationship with their clients.


Chatbots will keep on being an important part of the digital marketing trend for this year. This AI-based innovation utilizes instant messaging to chat continuously, with your site visitors.

Nowadays, most of the customers prefer interacting with chatbots as they are responsive every minute of day and night, give responses immediately, precisely recall your whole history, and never become annoyed. These virtual assistants offer remarkable customer service, because of which you can focus on your important task.

There are many brands who already started using chatbot technology, like Uber, whose chatbot communicates with customers and making it easy for them to hire cabs via their mobile application.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is one of the most significant marketing trends today and likely for the upcoming 5-7 years. These numbers demonstrate the significance of incorporating video into your digital marketing strategy. Don’t simply think about YouTube. To observe higher engagement with your video promoting, you can make a video post or start a live video broadcast on Facebook or Instagram.

video marketing
video marketing

Voice Search

Voice search plays a very important role in giving all the relevant data people are looking for through audio content. As Artificial intelligence is getting more intelligent day by day, number of errors made by voice assistants like Alexa and Google has diminished.

Social Media Stories

After Snap chat’s concept of “My Story,” Instagram and Facebook also introduced the same concept, and then YouTube came with their own story format we call as Reels.

Benefits of Social Media Stories:

Engagement with visitors and followers

Increased traffic to the website

Opportunity to reach the right audience

Increased brand awareness

Content Marketing

Early indications of Google’s algorithm show that content which is updated on a regular basis is again being heavily favored. Content marketing plays a very important role as 80% of B2B content marketers agree that creating content makes their customer see the organization as a valid and trusted resource

Content marketing gives long-term benefits than paid search

Small businesses with more blog updates get 100% more lead growth than those without blogs

Blockchain Technology

In the basic terms, a Blockchain is a time-stamped arrangement of the permanent record of information that is overseen by a cluster of PC’s which is not possessed by any single substance. Each of these blocks is secured and bound to each other using cryptographic standards. There are lots of uses of Blockchain which are more than just the financial world, this innovation is additionally making an impact on the digital marketing world. Blockchain forms trust by means of transparency, and offers huge benefits for branding.

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