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How can Blockchain Enhance Data Security in 2020?

How can Blockchain Enhance Data Security in 2020?

How can Blockchain Enhance Data Security in 2020?

Without having any doubt, Block chain has become one of the top most critical technologies in at present times. If we take clearness Market Research into account, the Blockchain Enhance Data Security market will be worth US$20 billion by the end of 2020.

Through Block chain, financial institution can reduce their operational costs to a certain amount. Similarly, the role of Blockchain in the future will come in useful as its commerce value-add will increase up to US$ 176 billion within the next five years.

This Blog post will emphasize its major advantages alongside its limitations that help you use Blockchain to correctly secure users’ data.

Offers corroboration along with Encryption

The best thing about using Blockchain is its imposing encryption feature that encrypts everything on Blockchain. This way, it becomes next to impossible to anger or alters the data available on it. fascinatingly, you can verify file signatures to make sure that they have not been changed on all the nodes across all the ledgers in the network.

Furthermore, you can use smart contracts in Blockchain that people certain validations when specific conditions are met successfully. In case someone does change the data, all the ledgers available on all the nodes validate that particular change in the network.

Provides Secure Data Storage

There is no denying data security is one of the most valuable kind of the Blockchain. Therefore, companies can option Block chain for securing their huge data suitably.

Hence, hackers, snoopers, and other cyber goons can not access the data stored on the Blockchain in any way. Surprisingly, Blockchain is used in dispersed storage software, and the data available on it is shared via a system of people. Therefore, organizations can manage their data without any trouble. The same way, public services can also take huge reimbursement from Blockchain to secure available public data accordingly.

Nearly not possible to Hack

It is incredibly harder to hack blockchain since the data is encrypted, decentralized and genuine by the entire network. As soon as you have stored the information on the ledger, cybercriminals cannot make changes to the data as they will need to cancel the signature first.

Different nodes on the network validate every lawful transaction. Therefore, hackers will have to hack most of the nodes at the same time that help them decrypt the Blockchain. This whole activity needs strange command and skills and fortunately modern day hackers do not possess such character at all.

Conversely, hackers target users’ devices 2300+ times daily. So, you are jump to use Blockchain when it comes to protective users’ data from hacking, data theft, phishing attacks and other security hassle.

Provides New Opportunities to Financial Institutions

Financial institutions like banks can apply Blockchain’s concept to decrease the likelihood of financial fraud to a certain amount. It means they can improve their users’ financial information right away. With Blockchain’s help, banks can easily share, view, and store their customers’ digital information.

Blockchain uses cryptographic encryption that secures every transaction, making it easier for banks to improve their overall security levels significantly.

Also,read: How to Build a Career in Block chain Technology

Few Limitations to Consider

in spite of making emission for all the rights reasons, Blockchain is still a new technology that will develop with time. Therefore, it is the high time for organization and other stakeholders to consider different factor before applying Blockchain.

You can consider these factors in the shape of difficulty, high energy use, etc. As far as Blockchain’s complex nature goes, different companies, including banks, have adopted Blockchain to some amount 

They have used a cross approach rather than going fully centralized or decentralized. As a result, difficulty would be increased to inconceivable heights. Similarly, Blockchain is famous for its high energy use.

For example, Bitcoin Core, an application of the Blockchain, requires 200 GB storage space approx in each node, a part of the Blockchain network.Aside from that, it needs 5 GB upload and 500 MB download daily. That said, Blockchain significance increases with each passing day because it has already started causal to different domains other than data security.


Blockchain can play a main role to secure public and individual data both. However, it depends on companies how they will apply this excellent unidentified technology within their premises. As well, organization can use Block chain next to artificial intelligence to improve its presentation, enabling them to secure their users’ data to a new plane.   

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