Category: Python

Python Vs Java: What’s The Difference?

Python has become more popular than Java. Java is also one of the top trending courses in IT. The trend is likely caused because of Python’s great use for testing, and Java’s better use for production code. There is more testing than production code.
Java is a statically typed and compiled language, and Python is a dynamically typed and interpreted language. This single distinction makes Java quicker at runtime and less difficult to debug, however, Python is less difficult to use and less difficult to read.
Python has won popularity, in giant part, due to its communicatively; humans simply hold close it easier. With it, the libraries for Python are huge, so a new programmer will now not have to begin from scrape. Java is historic and nevertheless significantly used, so it additionally has a lot of libraries and a team of humans for support.
Now, let’s seem into depth, which includes some code examples to illustrate the variations between Python and Java.

Overview of Python

Python used to be first launched in 1991. It is an interpreter, a high-level, typical purpose programming language. It is Object-Oriented. Designed via Guido van Rossum, Python genuinely has a graph philosophy headquartered around code readability. The Python neighborhood will grade every other’s code-based totally on how Pythonic the code is.

Read: Beginner Tips For Learning Python Programming

When to use Python

Python’s libraries allow a programmer to get started out rapidly. Rarely will they want to begin from scratch? If a programmer wants to bounce into desktop learning, there’s a library for that. If they desire to create a fascinating chart, there’s a library for that. If they want to have an improvement bar proven in their CLI, there’s a library for that.
Generally, Python is the Lego of the programming languages; locate a container with orders on how to use it and get to work. There is little that wishes to begin from scratch.

Because of its readability, Python is great for:

  1. New programmers
  2. Getting ideas down fast
  3. Sharing code with others
Java overview

Java is old. Java is a general-purpose programming language that utilizes classes and, like Python, is object-oriented.

Java was once developed by way of James Gosling at Sun Microsystems, launched in 1995 as a phase of Sun Microsystem’s Java Platform. Java modified the internet trip from easy textual content pages to pages with video and animation.

When to use Java

Java is designed to run anywhere. It makes use of its Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to interpret compiled code. The JVM acts as its very own interpreter and error detector.
With its ties to Sun Microsystems, Java used to be the most extensively used server-side language. Though no longer the case, Java reigned for a lengthy whilst and garnered a giant community, so it continues to have a lot of support.
Programming in Java can be effortless due to the fact Java has many libraries constructed on the pinnacle of it, making it convenient to locate code already written for a precise purpose.


Python is regularly used with new programmers or junior developers coming into a records science role. The large desktop mastering libraries, TensorFlow and PyTorch, are each written in Python. Python has notable statistics processing libraries with Pandas and Dask and top records visualization skills with programs such as Matplotlib and Seaborn.
Java is used a lot for net development. It is extra frequent amongst senior-level programmers. It lets in for asynchronous programming and has a respectable Natural Language Processing community.
Both languages can be used in API interactions and for computer learning. Java is higher developed for constructing internet applications. Python’s Flask library is nevertheless solely capable to build the fundamentals to a Python-based UI however is excellent for developing a Python back-end with an API endpoint.

Python vs Java in code

Let’s see how Java and Python work differently.


Because Python is an interpreted language, its syntax is more concise than Java, making getting started easier and testing programs on the fly quick and easy. You can enter lines right in the terminal, where Java needs to compile the whole program in order to run.

Type python and then 3+2 and the computer responds with 5.




Consider doing this with Java. Java has no command line interpreter (CLI), so, to print 5 like we did above, we have to write a complete program and then compile it. Here is


public class Print5 {

       public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("3+2=" + (Integer.toString(3+2)));

To compile it, type javac and run it with java Print5.


java Print5

With Java, we had to make a complete program to print 5. That includes a class and a main function, which tells Java where to start.

We can also have a main function with Python, which you usually do when you want to pass it arguments. It looks like this:


def main():
  print('3+2=', 3+2)

if __name__== "__main__":


Python code runs top to bottom—unless you tell it where to start. But you can also make classes, like possible with Java, like this:

Python Class


class Number:
  def __init__(self, left, right):
      self.left = left
      self.right = right

number = Number(3, 2)

print("3+2=", number.left + number.right)

The class, Number, has two member variables left and right. The default constructor is __init__. We instantiate the object by calling the constructor number = Number(3, 2). We can then refer to the variables in the class as number.left and number.right. Referring to variables directly like this is frowned upon in Java. Instead, getter and setter functions are used as shown below.

Here is how you would do that same thing In Java. As you can see it is wordy, which is the main complaint people have with Java. Below we explain some of this code.

Java Class with Getter and Setter functions


class PrintNumber {
      int left;
      int right;

      PrintNumber(int left, int right) {
          this.left = left;
          this.right = right;

      public int getleft() {
          return left;
      public int getRight() {
          return right;

public class Print5 {

      public static void main(String[] args) {
          PrintNumber printNumber = new PrintNumber (3,2);
          String sum = Integer.toString(printNumber.getleft()
                + printNumber.getRight() );
          System.out.println("3+2=" + sum);

Python is gentle in its treatment of variables. For example, it can print dictionary objects automatically. With Java it is necessary to use a function that specifically prints a dictionary. Python also casts variables of one type to another to make it easy to print strings and integers.

On the other hand, Java has strict type checking. This helps avoid runtime errors. Below we declare an array of Strings called args.


String[] args

You usually put each Java class in its own file. But here we put two classes in one file to make compiling and running the code simpler. We have:


class PrintNumber {

    int left;
    int right;

That class has two member variables left and right. In Python, we did not need to declare them first. We just did that on-the-fly using the self object.

In most cases Java variables should be private, meaning you cannot refer to them directly outside of the class. Instead you use getter functions to retrieve their value. Like this.


public int getleft() {
    return left;

So, in the main function, we instantiate that class and retrieve its values:


public int getleft() {
    return left;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    PrintNumber printNumber = new PrintNumber (3,2);
    String sum = Integer.toString(printNumber.getleft()
         + printNumber.getRight() );

Where Python is gentle in its treatment of variables, Java is not.

For example, we cannot concatenate and print numbers and letters like “3+2=” + 3 + 2. So, we have to use the function above to convert each integer to a string Integer.toString(), and then print the concatenation of two strings.

Learn both Python & Java

Both programming languages are appropriate for many humans and have massive communities in the back of them. Learning one does now not suggest you can’t examine the other—many programmers project into more than one language. And studying a couple of cans support the appreciation of programming languages altogether.
By many measures, Python is the easier one to learn, and migrating to Java afterward is possible.

Read: Top 10 Python Training Institutes in Bangalore

Top 10 Trending Tech Courses For 2023

With the growing time, technology is evolving at a great speed. The pandemic has made significant changes to the world as things have not been the same. Keeping an eye on the future helps to secure a safe job and even learn how to get there. Since most of the IT population is sitting back at home and working, then it’s better to make an attempt to include the emerging technologies in 2023.

Let’s dig into the top 10 technology trends in 2023:
Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning

Artificial Intelligence(AI) is now initial to see its implementation is various sectors of life. It is basically known for its superiority in image, speech recognition, ride sharing apps, smartphone personal assistants and many more.

AI is also utilized in analysing interactions to determine underlying connections and insights to help you predict the demands in various hospitals. It helps to enable authorities to make better decisions about the resource utilization and detect the patterns of customer behaviour by analysing data in real time and personal experiences.

Since AI is getting utilised in various sectors, hence new jobs are created in development, programming, support and testing. Stats prove that AI, machine learning and automation will create many jobs by 2025.

AI and machine learning will help you secure jobs:

  1. AI research scientist
  2. AI engineer
  3. AI architect
  4. Machine learning engineer.

Blockchain, one of the best technical courses after graduation can be described as the data you can only add to, not take aways from or change. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation in various areas especially in blockchain or distributed ledger technology.

Many businesses have started adopting blockchain technology for enhancing their business processes. Stats prove that worldwide spending on blockchain solutions is going to reach USD 11.7 billion by the year 2022. Banking is one of the areas where the high-level security, real-time processing and quicker cross-border transcations take place.

Blockchain helps you get secure jobs in the field of various fields and industries:

  1. Risk analyst
  2. Tech architect
  3. Front end engineer
  4. Crypto Community Manager
Internet of Things(IoT)

The list of technical courses after graduation cannot be complete without IoT, as it has always been a promising trend Now a days there are multiple things which can be built with WiFi connectivity. Hence the internet of things(IoT) has enabled various devices, home appliances to be connected to each other and exchange data over the internet.

IoT can be utilised in various applications like for instance you can switch off lights, fans and even lock the door remotely, while tracking the fitness on our Fitbits. The IoT enable better safety, efficiency and decision making for various businesses where the data can be easily collected and analysed.

Forecasts suggest that by 2030 around 50 billion of these IoT devices will be in utilization around the world. The global spending on the Internet of Things(IoT) is going to reach 1.1 trillion U.S dollars by the year 2023.

Cyber Security

Cyber security is an emerging technology and best technical courses in Indiaas the malevolent hackers are trying to access data illegally and continue to find ways to get through the toughest security measures. This latest technology is adapted to enhance security. Cyber security will remain a trending technology as it constantly evolves defend against hackers.

By 2025, around 60% of organizations utilize cybersecurity as a primary determinant in conducting third-party transactions and enhance business engagements.

You can get the roles:

  1. Ethical Hacker
  2. Malware Analyst
  3. Security Engineer
  4. Chief security officer
Quantum Computing

One of the amazing trends is involved in preventing the spread of the coronavirus and to develop potential vaccines is the quantum computing. It has the ability to easily query, monitor , analyse and act on data. Banking and finance is another field where you can manage credit risk for high-frequency trading and fraud detection.

Quantum computers acts much faster than regular computers and huge brands like Honeywell, Microsoft , AWS, Google . By the year 2029, the revenues for global quantum computing market can surpass $2.5 billion.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality and Augmented reality is one of the great technical training courseswhich have helped the user to immerse in an environment and enhance it also. Besides its utilization in gaming applications, it is used as a simulation software to train U.S. navy, army.

AR and VR has got enormous potential in various applications from training, entertainment, education, marketing and even rehabilitation. By 2023, it is estimated that the global AR and VR is expected to reach upto $209.2 billion.

Employers might look for skill set which requires a lot of specialized knowledge, basic programming skills can land a job.

Robotic Process Automation(RPA)

Robotic Process Automation is the utilization of software to automate business processes like transaction processing, interpreting applications, dealing with data and email reply. The automation of tasks can be easily automated sing RPA.

Stats prove that RPA automation can be harmful for existing jobs as 5 percent of occupations can be totally automated.

If you can learn RPA, then you can gain a number of career opportunities like

1. RPA developer

2. RPA analyst

3. RPA architect

Edge Computing

Cloud computing has been found difficult to deal with when the quantity of data organizations increases. Edge computing helps to resolve problems to bypass the latency caused by cloud computing and getting data to a data centre for processing. Edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote locations with limited or no connectivity to a centralized location.

The stats prove that with the increase of Internet of Things(IoT) increases, the edge computing will also increase. By 2023, the global edge computing is expected to reach $6.72 billion. Following are some of the job positions which can be secured if you can master cloud computing and quantum computing:

Cloud reliability engineer

DevOps cloud engineer

Cloud architect and security architect

Cloud Infrastructure engineer


With the growing time, 5G has become the next technology trend and the most in-demand tech skills. It enables services that rely on advanced technologies like AR and VR, cloud based gaming services like Google and lot more.

HD cameras with the implication of 5G helps to improve safety and traffic management, smart grid control and smart retail. Many telecom companies like Apple, Nokia Corp, QUALCOMM are really working om mobile traffic data making. It is estimated that by 2024, around 40% of the world will be utilized by 5G networks.

Drones are improving navigation and using the Internet of Things(IoT) to communicate with on-board devices. The development of 5G and 6G continues to improve smart cities around the world and support the drone market.


Telemedicine has become the talk of the town during this pandemic situation. Many people are avoiding the risk of contracting the coronavirus to their workers and patients. The doctors and patients are communicating via video chat where artificial intelligence conducts diagnostics using photographs.

By early 2023, the number of remote receptions is going to increase a count of billion. It is also expected that machine learning will be gradually utilized in diagnostics, administrative work and creation of robots for healthcare

The Conclusion

Many technological advances in 2023 is going to continue with the impact of COVID-19. These trending technologies are welcoming skilled professionals with nice amount of salary. Master in these courses and get on-board at the early stages of these trending courses.

Where To Learn Java Full-Stack And Why It Can Benefit Your Career

Welcome again dear students with the new blog. Dear students this blog is all about java full stack aspirants. In this blog, we are going to tell you where you can learn java full stack as well as we also talk about how learning java full stack will be beneficial for your career.

First, lets us understand what is java’s full-stack?

A Java Full Stack Web Developer is a developer who has extensive knowledge and expertise in full-stack tools and frameworks working with Java.

The Java suite of technologies includes working with servlets, core Java, REST APIs, and more tools that ease the creation of web apps. It is a great career option and the easiest way to become a developer is to take a full stack web developer offline in an institute. This is great for your resume.

Now we understand what actually is java full stack now the question is that you are an aspirant of java full stack and you want to scale your career as a java full stack developer but you know nothing about it that how you can learn and where you can learn?

If we as a student searching for a java full stack course there are a lot of results we can see on the internet where we can learn java full-stack, but at the same time, it is also confusing. Choosing an institute or buying an online course is difficult especially if you are an aspirant.

Now keeping an eye on this problem let’s solve it.

Now let’s discuss the best platforms from where you can learn java full-stack. We can talk about both online and offline platforms so you can choose the courses according to your facility.

First, lets us know discuss online platforms where we can learn java full stack?

Here are some platforms where we can learn java full stack online. These all institutes are genuine and well established. They provide much more valuable content.


These are the best online platform from where you can do or learn java full-stack.

Now with these online learning platforms, let’s see which are the best institutes available out there for java full-stack. And after that will discuss how learning java full stack can help you in your career.

These are the best java full stack training institutes where you can learn java full-stack. These all institute provides you best classroom training. They also support where you need them.

No1. DUCAT: Ducat offers the best Java Full Stack Developer training in Noida based on industry standards that helps the attendees secure placements in their dream jobs in MNCs. Ducat provides the best Java Full Stack Developer Training in Noida. Ducat is one of the most trusted Java Full Stack Developer Training Institutes in Noida that provides basic as well as advanced level Java Full Stack Developer training courses with practical knowledge and complete job support.

No2. SLA: Java Full Stack Developer Training Course in Delhi NCR, Noida, and Gurgaon/Gurugram is an industry-focused and specially designed program offered by SLA Consultant India to candidates who wish to make a career as a web application developer.

NO3. NARESHIT: They say that Full Stack Web Development is nothing but complete designing of both websites and applications where the developers need to work from frontend to backend development. “Full Stack Java developer training” introduces you to Java, JSP, Restful WS, and spring. In this course, you will be able to combine all the ways to connect to the database and learn how to make it in an informative and attractive way.

No.4 UPSHOT: This java full stack training in Bangalore is planned for engineers in diverse fields. Before joining the Java Full Stack Development course in Bangalore, our coordinators provide guidance as per the learner’s portfolio. Learners will be advised to research real-time projects after completing their career accelerator training at Full-Stack Developers. The student credential will be issued after the completion of the project. Our credentials are rather competitive as we place more emphasis on practice.

NO.5: NEARLEARN: NearLearn says that The professional world can be conquered by efficiency and skill. We, at NearLearn, educate aspirants with a comprehensive Java Full Stack Course and equip them with the latest Java technologies to make you a professional and certified developer.

So these are the best institute where you can learn java full-stack. They provide the best classroom training. Now let us discuss how java full stack will help you in your career?

Learning full-stack development may seem a bit intimidating at first glance. However, a proper Java certification course can help you learn the path to becoming a full-stack professional. You need to have expertise in both front-end and back-end development. Also, it is necessary to constantly evolve with new trends in emerging technologies. This knowledge and skills will give you a tremendous advantage over your competition.

Benefits of becoming a java full stack developer?

It is easy to find front-end or back-end developers in the job market. However, there is still a lack of developers who can work with all three layers of development (front-end, back-end, and middleware/database). This has created a huge demand for full-stack developers in the market. Big companies are paying huge salaries in search of multi-talented professionals who can keep up with the pace of the market and can perform multiple tasks in the web development landscape.

More salary than another developer: Competition among regular developers around the world is very high. Most of the professionals specialize in Stack in order to expect better employment. This has created fierce competition in the job market. In contrast, full-stack developers enjoy less competition and higher pay scales.

Freedom in work: Do you like the scope of creativity in web development? As a full-stack developer, you’ll gain more creative flexibility because you can work with both the client and database sides of the same application. You can have complete control over the overall software product you are developing. You can handle both the technical and creative side of the development to build the application with full creative flexibility.

Work will be improved as a developer: Knowledge and experience of multiple technologies give you an advantage over other developers because you can make better and faster decisions in the development process. There will be no skill gap that hinders the bigger picture. A full-stack developer can determine how a small change can affect the entire project. In comparison, regular developers only know about a few stacks. For this reason, companies prefer a multi-talented individual who can save time and money for the company.

So these are the common benefits to becoming a java full stack developer. There are many more benefits are there to becoming a java full-stack engineer.

A Dive Into The Full Stack! This Is How You Can Expertise Full Stack Development!

What really matters in a continuously evolving tech-savvy world is how fast we can embrace technology and adopt the changes. Especially, the web development landscape is changing at a rapid pace with new functionalities added every day.

You may wonder about seeing Instagram trends with new filters added frequently with alluring designs! Additionally, Facebook’s recent rebrand to Meta is just to renovate its design and functionality! Well, do you know the masterpiece behind these groundbreaking innovations? Yes, the term is Full-stack.

So if your passion is to build new creatives, then Full Stack development is the key. If you are still a fresher and unsure of what is Full Stack and how to build your career in the same. This article helps to find a way.

What is Full-Stack? 

In simple terms, Full Stack includes the development and renovation of the Frontend and Backend portion of any website or web application. In brief, as a user when you log on to any website, you can directly interact with the frontend portion. Conversely, the Backend portion handles clientside commands by managing APIs and database through queries.

Collectively, if you embellish as a Full-Stack Developer, you will be able to design complete web applications or websites. If you are still confused let’s relate the Full-stack development to a real-life example. Imagine you have a car. The front-end confines the doors, wheels, lights and seats inside the car so you can sit comfortably and drive. The back-end includes something you can not see. For example: Working of machines. If you know car features as a whole then you are called a Full-stack developer.

Here’s Your Beginning to Front-End! 

The visible portion of the web application or website impacts user experience. In order to expertise the front end development, you need to know languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript.

HTML: (Hypertext Markup Language). 

The language is used to create front end portion of web pages or applications through markup language. Basically, HTML is a mixture of Hypertext and Markup language. Hypertext describes the link between the different web pages. The markup language is used to characterize the text to be included within a tag that describes the configuration of web pages.

CSS: (Cascading Style Sheets). 

CSS is a designed language built to ease the procedure of creating web pages more presentable. The language enables users to implement distinct styles in web pages.


It is a popular scripting language built to develop more captivating designs on the sites. It boosts up the functionality of the site to run web-based software and games.

Back-End: Why learning this is a big deal?

It is the client-side development of a website or web application. It is responsible to supervise the APIs and managing the database via queries.

In order to master the back-end, you need to have a thorough knowledge of languages such as PHP, C++, Java, Python. In addition, learning about Backend frameworks such as C#, Ruby, REST, GO and more helps to build a sophisticated website.

How To Learn Full Stack?

All you need to give is time to learn. You just need to be dedicated while learning. Then getting through the job will not be difficult. You can visit and study about the same on different websites and practice coding.

According to a survey by one of the reputed institute people with no formal education and with commendable portfolio, skillset, references and open source works are considerably more competitive in getting the job.

Hence, enhancing the necessary skills is what makes you successful. Before joining any of the courses make sure whether you’re doing it for part-time or full-time, and how much time you can dedicate.

Collectively, Full stack development is growing at a brisk phase. If you want to build your strong career in the same clutch onto your saddle and master the aforementioned skills. Moreover, Full stack developers with strong skillsets are in demand with exciting salary packages. because they will be having the ability to drive industries far and wide beyond technology.

The Top 10 High Paying Skills To Expertise In 2023! These Are The Skills Companies Are Looking Out For!

The technology is evolving at a breakneck pace, with new expansions shifting gears to the most in-demand job skills. The Covid19 pandemic over the past couple of years has further accelerated the change in how we work and assimilate this process.

In order to thrive in excellence, businesses around the globe have had to diversify the way they work. The diversification has fostered retraining of their massive workforce to facilitate them with in-demand skills.

Evansadata, in its recent data, anticipated that 5 million developers will be needed to handle the challenging projects over the next five years. Further, as per the survey of Coursera on industry-level job skills, the majority of the industries are in desperate need of technological skills.

So we are delighted to explain to you the top 10 skills to learn in 2023 and also how to monetize an existing skill.

Learn and Monetize These Top 10 Skills in 2023! 

In the age of highly advanced technological breakthroughs, some innovations such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are promising future. With groundbreaking revolutions like driverless cars, facial recognition software, and surgical robots are evolving, with a broad range of applications for the Fintech, Healthcare, and Education sectors.

As per the data of Semrush, between 2018 and 2025, the Asia-Pacific region will witness a huge compound annual growth rate. In addition, the predicted AI annual growth rate would be 33.2% between 2020 and 2027.

Artificial Intelligence facilitates a distinct range of career paths.

  • Machine Learning Developer.
  • Data Scientist.
  • Software Engineer.
  • Data Engineer.

The need for highly skilled developers is augmenting at a brisk pace compared to other areas of IT. The respective skills are in massive demand across a wide range of industries, giving rise to an extensive range of opportunities. Being a professional full-stack developer you are allowed to create highly functional and attractive websites with basic knowledge of coding.

Full-stack development is simple with low-code platforms like WordPress that ease the job to build a professional website in a very short time. The average salary for a full stack developer in India ranges is 6.7 lakh rupees.


Data Science is evolving as one of the must-have skills for an IT professional. A diverse range of businesses is already using it. Currently, it is one of the indispensable skills in the job market. Moreover, popular social media platforms like Instagram and others rely on data for their functionality. The average annual salary of a data scientist in India is 6.98 lakh rupees.


As per the report of Global Knowledge mastering cloud computing skills is predicted to be a highly in-demand skill in 2023. The job role includes creating a functional cloud platform to maintain it. These skills can lead to job positions like auditor, cloud developer, and architect.


The entire world is undergoing a huge digital transformation, the user experience has become increasingly important to captivate the traction of wide range of audience. User interface is a design that evaluates the customer’s views towards a specific product aiming on efficiency.


The Blockchain technology has been one of the recent sensation in the tech savvy world. Despite being one of the nascent technology it has created a multi billion-dollar industry. As per the recent report by Statista, overall global expenditure in developing blockchain solutions would reach by $19 billion by 2024.

The technology thrives to create a career  paths so that skillful person could work as:

  • Blockchain Developer.
  • Blockchain Solution Architect.
  • Smart Contracts Engineer.
  • Blockchain Quality Engineer.

Digitalisation is happening at a breakneck speed. It is also equally important to secure all the platforms from potential hacks. Hence, choosing career in cybersecurity could also be a promising choice for good career growth. Currently it is one of the top trending jobs, mastering these skills will help you to build your career as a cybersecurity engineer.


Big data signifies the harvesting and executing a huge chunk of data to exploit authentic information that enhances decision-making. Most precise decision making could save money and time, and this explains why mastering these relevant skills  would get you a job with good salary package.


This is also one of the trending jobs with Facebook’s recent rebranding to Meta. AR and VR together referred to as Extended Reality (XR), the European market for the skill is anticipated to evolve 5x in the near future. Many businesses and industries already coming forward to adopt XR technology. Hence the demand for skillful professionals is high.


The Internet of Things (IoT) has been the connecting brick that bridges digitally enabled gadgets to communicate, share data across the internet. Getting trained or mastering the relevant skills get you a job in diverse range of fields such as:

  • Data Analytics.
  • Network Specialist.
  • Artificial Engineer.
  • Cybersecurity Engineer.

The 10 Most Atrocious Python Mistakes Aspirants Often Make!

Python programming language is a simple, sophisticated, and straightforward algorithm that can perplex Python developers – mainly newbies. However, at some point in any Data Scientist or programming aspirant’s career, it is probable that the aspirant has to choose a new language and enhance their skills.

Especially, Python is an object-oriented, interpreted programming language. Its advanced concept in data structures, blended with dynamic binding and dynamic typing, makes it a most fascinating language to avail as a glue or scripting language to bridge existing services or components and for Rapid application development.

Aspirants often commit certain mistakes which are quite common while using this high-level programming language. In this article, let’s discuss the 10 most atrocious Python mistakes aspirants often make.

The Top 10 Awful Python  Mistakes Newbies Make
1. Defining Main Function in Python

This is the most common mistake made by coding aspirants. As mentioned in the introduction part since Python programming is a high-level scripting language, one can define functions that could be called in REPL mode.


def super_fun()

print (“Good morning”)


With the help of the above example, we can execute the super_fun function when it’s called from the CLI python However, if the programmer wants to use the code again as a module in a book, what would be the case?

No main func

import no_main_func

Good morning

The super_fun is now executed accordingly when the script is imported. This is a simple example, but if you are executing some heavy computational operations, or giving rise to an activity that creates multiple threads. In this case, Aspirants want to avoid running the code automatically on import, so this is how one can ward off the same.

def super_fun():

print(“Good morning”)


# execute only if run as a script


As you can see, unexpected behaviors have been prevented when you import it as a module.

2. The boolean mess

Like in every other programming language, the doubt of what’s supposed to be contemplated as a Boolean “true” value is a most common confusion in Python too.

Let us understand with the help of an example:

>>> 0 == False


>>> 0.0 == False


>>> [] == False


>>> {} == False


>>> set() == False


>>> bool(None) == False


>>> None == False


>>> None == True


In the above example, the zero value for any numeric data type is appraised to be false. However, empty collections such as sets, lists, or dictionaries are true. This can be tedious as a variable can be kept undefined and later incorporated in a contrast that will deliver an unpredicted outcome.

3. Misusing Python Scope Rules

Python scope resolution is built on the LEGB rule, that is, contemplated as an abbreviation of Local, Enclosing, Global, and Built-in. Seems easy-peasy, isn’t it? Actually, there are certain subtleties to the way it runs in Python programming language that delivers coders the common error and this is one of the most atrocious python mistakes that freshers do.

4. Misunderstanding Function Arguments by Reference And Value

The high-level programming language Python has a weird way of incorporating arguments in functions and methods. Aspiring coders who are shifting to Python from other languages like C++ or Java may misunderstand the way that the interpreter runs with arguments.

5. Class Variables Confusions

Object-oriented programming intends to put together problems in a way that reflects the real world, however, it can become tedious to newbies in the coding space.

6. Updating a list while iterating over it

Removing a thing or any item from an array or list while iterating over it could be problematic, which is familiar to the majority of experienced software developers. However, most of the time it becomes cumbersome for aspirants. Sometimes professional Python developers could face problems by this in code that is more complicated.

7. Ineffectiveness in understanding the differences between Python 2 & Python 3

Freshers fail to understand the actual difference between Python 2 & Python 3 since the two versions are quite similar. In Python 3, the exception object could not be accessed beyond the scope of the except block. The primary reason is that it would grasp a reference cycle with the stack frame in memory till the garbage collector continues to operate.


8. Float Data Types

This is one more addition to the 10 most atrocious Python mistakes. Beginners misunderstand float as a simple type. For instance, the below-mentioned example highlights the difference between defining the identifier of float types and simple types.

>>> a = 10

>>> b = 10


>>> id(a) == id(b)


>>> c = 10.0

>>> d = 10.0


>>> id(c) == id(d)


>>> print(id(a), id(b))

9788896 9788896

>>> print(id(c), id(d))

140538411157584 140538410559728

Find another example below, an easy arithmetic operation that is simple to solve, but you will get the unpredicted results because of the comparison operator.

>>> a = (0.3 * 3) + 0.1

>>> b = 1.0

>>> a == b


Programmers can avoid the same with the help of the following function mentioned in the example below:

def super_fun(a:float, b:float):

return True if abs(a-b) < 1e-9 else False

if __name__ == “__main__”:

# execute only if run as a script

print(super_fun((0.3*3 + 0.1),1.0))

9. Perplexity over how Python binds variables in closures

Beginners often get confused over this because Python’s late binding attribute states that the values of variables exploited in closures could be looked up at the time while calling the inner function.

10. Name collision with Python Standard Library Modules

One of the interesting things about this high-level language is the opulence of library modules. If beginners are not avoiding it smartly, names get clash between one of your modules and the one which already exists in the library.

Top 10 Data Science Skills That Will Transform Your Career In 2023!

Data science has turned out to be an inevitable part of evolving businesses and is among the most widespread area of interest for emerging tech professionals. The domain has seen a dramatic increase in adoption. However, as per the data from LinkedIn, Data Science leads the tech job ranking with an immense 37% recruitment surge over the past two years.

The constant upswing in the hiring craze has escalated emerging job seekers to comprehend the prominence of acquiring such skills. As the domain promises a fascinating career progression for beginners as well as working professionals, learning these skills would help you earn a six-digit figure salary package.

Top 10 Data Science Skills That Will Land You A 6 Digit Job
1. Become a Pro in Statistics and Probability 

To develop top-notch mathematical models, aspiring job-seekers should have a critical understanding of topics such as statistics and probability. These are the scientific tools that help the transformation of raw and unstructured data into exemplary conclusions.

Experts believe that it is essential to discern the potential of these topics since Machine Learning and Algorithm configuration are integral parts of Data Science jobs.

2. Expertising the Programming Skills

Data science requires a strong understanding of critical coding. In order to thrive in this domain, aspirants need to become proficient in programming languages. Different programming languages such as Python, R, and Javascript are broadly exploited in creating comprehensive data science models.

3. Command over Automated Analytics Tools

Your competence to exploit Automated Analytics Tools is one of the prominent data science skills that improvise constantly. This allows techies to utilize the results of their data science mechanisms and explore the data. The several processes that computerize data differ in perplexity. The aspirant needs to understand the data analytics tools such as Whatagraph, Darwin, DataRobot, Datapine, and SAS Visual forecasting to get command over Automated analytics.

4. Data Visualisation

Data Visualisation can help aspiring data scientists how to bridge data with the ultimate consumers effectively. However, the skill is one of the most critical aspects of data analysis. It is essential to impart information or data in a way that is both comprehensible and pleasing to the eyes. These skills further help to convey stories by illustrating data in a form of easier-to-comprehend outliers and trends.

5. Good at Data Wrangling

Data wrangling has emerged as one of the most prominent concepts of data science. By mastering the skill, aspiring data scientists will be able to eliminate corrupted data and categorize it accordingly. Further, the data could be exploited for several analytical objectives.

6. Proficiency in Software Engineering Principles

Data scientist professionals need to have a thorough knowledge of software engineering principles. They should have expertise in creating top-quality code that will ease the process during production. In addition, the concept helps aspirants with comprehensive information about the fundamental mechanism of software development data types, compilers, projects, and more.

7. Pro in AI and Machine Learning Skills

Mastering these skills will help an aspiring data scientist’s job easier. Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning models are broadly exploited in various industries and encourage data scientists to work effectively and quickly. Nevertheless, the greatest challenge would be to figure out the right data prior to developing an AI model to carry out human tasks.

8. Strong Data Intuition

This is probably one of the most prominent data scientist skills. The aptitude of accessing lucrative data insights makes professionals more efficient at their work. However, one can gain these skills with experience, and boot camps or workshops are a great way to master them.

9. Great Business Acumen

Along with strong Technical skills, data scientist professionals must possess great business acumen. With the help of strong business acumen, professionals can easily discern the potential challenges, which might hamper the progress of the organization.

10. Ability to handle Unstructured and Large datasets

Aspiring Data Scientists are required to possess great experience with handling Unstructured and large datasets that have been received from various sources and channels. The main responsibility would be to create the data through analysis, and with the expanding amounts of data, jobseekers should understand how to pragmatically handle a massive chunk of datasets and organize them for extracting important insights.

10 Important Python Features And How To Use Them

Python is a high-level, general-purpose language for programming created in February 1991 by Guido Van Rossum.
Python is designed to prioritize code readability through the use of significant indentation. It is also the most versatile and dynamic programming language currently available

Simple to Learn

Python is one of the most effortless programming languages to use. A few days are sufficient to learn the fundamentals of Python, become familiar with its syntax, and write simple programs. Python is the simplest programming language to learn and master compared to C, C++, Java, etc.
Interpreted language

Python code is not compiled, converted to an executable file, and executed simultaneously. Python is an interpreted language for programming, which means that, unlike other programming languages, its code is executed line by line.

Object-Oriented Programming Language

Python’s support for object-oriented programming is one of its essential features. This means that instead of storing data and instructions in separate locations within a program, everything related to a specific task can be grouped into “objects.”


Python is a high-level programming language. As programmers, we are not required to remember the system architecture.
Also, there is no need to manage memory. This is one of Python’s most important features, as it facilitates programming.

Extendable and Embeddable Syntax

One of Python’s best features is its extensible and embeddable syntax, which allows developers to create new operations without having to rewrite existing code.

Large Support for Standard Library

Python includes many libraries for regular expressions, web browsers, databases, image processing, unit testing, etc. Writing code for everything is unnecessary; import the module and use its methods.
GUI Programming
Without a GUI, GUI Programming Software is not user-friendly. A GUI facilitates the user’s interaction with the software.
Python provides a variety of graphical user interface (GUI) creation libraries.

Garbage Collection System

This is one of Python’s most important features. Python supports automatic waste management. The garbage collector discards memory blocks that are no longer in use. It removes unnecessary objects to free up space.

Cross-Platform Language

Python is a platform-independent language. Frequently, when downloading software from a website, you may have noticed a list of compatible software versions for various operating systems. Once written on one machine or operating system, Python code can be run on any other machine or system.

Databases Support

Support for Databases Nearly every application developed today requires a database, and the Python Database API (DB-API) provides an interface to nearly all major commercial databases. Standard Python supports databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL, Oracle, and Informix.


Whether you are a newbie or a skilled/professional programmer, learning Python can be a valuable skill that opens up many opportunities in various fields. And if you’re looking for a reliable and effective way to learn Python, Near Learn is the perfect place to start.
With experienced instructors, comprehensive course materials, and hands-on projects, Near Learn provides an excellent learning experience that can help you master Python and take your coding skills to the next level.

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