The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On The E-Commerce Industry

Product upselling and cross-selling on the Amazon E-commerce platform is one of this retailer’s major success stories, accounting for an impressive 35% of total revenues.

What technology is powering this mode of conversion?

Amazon’s product recommendation technology is powered primarily by artificial intelligence (AI).

Aside from product recommendations, online retailers are using artificial intelligence in the eCommerce industry to provide chatbot services, analyze customer comments, and provide personalized services to online shoppers.

According to a 2019 Ubisend study, one in every five consumers is willing to buy goods or services from a chatbot, and 40 percent of online shoppers are looking for great offers and shopping deals from chatbots.

While global e-commerce sales are expected to reach $4.8 billion by 2021, Gartner predicts that by 2020, around 80% of all customer interactions will be managed by AI technologies (without the use of a human agent).

So, how is artificial intelligence in e-commerce changing the shopping experience in 2019?

Let’s look at some of the most important applications of artificial intelligence in eCommerce, as well as some real-world industry examples, in this article.

How is Artificial Intelligence changing the shopping experience?

The use of artificial intelligence in online shopping is transforming the E-commerce industry by predicting shopping patterns based on the products purchased and when they are purchased.

For example, if online shoppers frequently buy a specific brand of rice every week, the online retailer could send these customers a personalized offer for this product, or even use a machine learning-enabled recommendation for a supplementary product that goes well with rice dishes.

AI-enabled digital assistants, such as the Google Duplex tool, are developing capabilities such as creating grocery lists (from the shopper’s natural voice) and even placing online shopping orders for them.

4 Major AI Applications in E-commerce

While there are numerous benefits to using artificial intelligence in eCommerce, here are four major AI applications for eCommerce that are currently dominating the industry.

Chatbots and other forms of virtual assistance

Chatbots or digital assistants are increasingly being used by e-commerce retailers to provide 24×7 support to their online customers.

Chatbots, which are built with AI technologies, are becoming more intuitive and enabling a better customer experience.

Chatbots, in addition to providing good customer service, is increasing the impact of AI in eCommerce through capabilities such as natural language processing (or NLP), which can interpret voice-based interactions with consumers.

  • Providing deeper insights to consumers in order to meet their needs.
  • They have self-learning abilities that allow them to improve over time.
  • Customers should be given personalised or targeted offers.
Product Recommendations That Are Intelligent

Personalized product recommendations for online shoppers are increasing conversion rates by 915 percent and average order values by 3 percent, according to one of the major applications of artificial intelligence in eCommerce.

AI in eCommerce is influencing customer choices through the use of big data, thanks to its knowledge of previous purchases, searched products, and online browsing habits.

Product recommendations provide numerous advantages to eCommerce retailers, including:

  • a greater number of repeat customers
  • Customer retention and sales have improved.
  • Online shoppers can enjoy a more personalised shopping experience.
  • Allow a personalised business email campaign to run.
Ecommerce AI Personalization

Personalization, which is regarded as one of the most effective modes, is at the heart of AI in Ecommerce marketing.

AI and machine learning in Ecommerce are deriving important user insights from generated customer data based on specific data gathered from each online user.

For example, the AI-enabled tool Boomtrain can analyze customer data from multiple touchpoints (including mobile apps, email campaigns, and websites) to determine how they interact online.

These insights allow eCommerce retailers to make appropriate product recommendations while also providing a consistent user experience across all devices.

Inventory Control

Efficient inventory management is all about keeping the right amount of inventory on hand to meet market demand while not adding to idle stock.

While traditional inventory management was limited to current stock levels, AI-enabled inventory management allows for stock maintenance based on data related to:

Sales trends in previous years

Changes in product demand that are projected or anticipated

Possible supply-related issues that could have an impact on inventory levels

Aside from inventory management, AI is enabling warehouse management with the emergence of automated robots, which is predicted to be the future of artificial intelligence in eCommerce.

Unlike human employees, AI robots can be used to store or retrieve stocks 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as well as immediately dispatch ordered items following online orders.

AI in the B2B Ecommerce sector is driving a slew of innovative solutions in addition to transforming the E-commerce industry in a variety of ways.

Let’s take a look at some of the most recent industry case studies on artificial intelligence and how it’s affecting this industry.

Smart AI-Enabled Solutions for the Ecommerce Industry

AI-powered technologies are introducing online shoppers to a variety of products they had no idea existed on the market.

Sentient Technologies, for example, is developing virtual digital shoppers that can recommend new products to online shoppers based on their personal purchasing patterns and data insights.

With the success of the Amazon Alexa device, this E-commerce behemoth is introducing Alexa Voice Shopping, which allows you to review the best of Amazon’s daily deals and place online shopping orders with just your voice.

And there’s more.

Amazon Alexa can also give you wardrobe advice, such as the best fashion combinations and a comparison of outfits to see which one would look better on you.

AI is reducing the number of returned goods purchased through online sales in the Fashion eCommerce industry.

Zara, for example, is utilizing AI capabilities to suggest the appropriate apparel size (based on the shopper’s measurement) as well as their style preferences (loose or tight clothing).

This can assist the fashion brand in reducing product returns and increasing repeat purchases.

Aside from these advancements, AI-powered solutions are reshaping the E-commerce industry in the following areas:

  • AI-powered email marketing that sends out marketing emails for products (or services) that the recipient is interested in. Aside from reading more humanly than automatedly, these email marketing tools conduct intelligent user analysis based on their response and are more tailored to individual customer needs.
  • AI-enabled Supply Chain Automation enables effective supply chain management for e-commerce platforms. Other advantages include the ability to make business decisions about vendors, delivery schedules, and market needs.
  • AI-powered data analytics tools for the e-commerce sector that offer a variety of advantages such as business intelligence, customer profiles, and online sale analysis.

Omnichannel AI solutions that provide a consistent and seamless customer experience across online and physical retail locations.

For example, Sephora’s AI-powered omnichannel solutions use a combination of AI and machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision to bridge the gap between in-store and online customer experiences.


As discussed in this article, artificial intelligence is playing a key role in driving innovative solutions and customer experiences in eCommerce.

Some of the most prominent applications of artificial intelligence in eCommerce are personalized shopping, product recommendations, and inventory management.

Are you thinking about how to implement a working model of artificial intelligence for your business as an online retailer?

Content is a well-established data analytics provider that provides solutions centered on product analytics and E-commerce KPIs for AI in eCommerce startups.

What Is AI? Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence makes use of computers and technology to simulate the human mind’s problem-solving and decision-making capabilities.

What is the definition of Artificial Intelligence(AI)?

While there have been numerous definitions of artificial intelligence (AI) throughout the previous few decades, John McCarthy provides the following description in this 2004 study (PDF, 106 KB),

“It is the science and engineering behind the development of intelligent machines, most notably intelligent computer programmers.

It is comparable to the analogous goal of utilizing computers to comprehend human intellect, but AI is not limited to physiologically observable methods.”

However, decades before this description, Alan Turing’s key work, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” (PDF, 89.8 KB, was published in 1950.

Turing, frequently referred to be the “father of computer science,” poses the following issue in this paper: “Can machines think?”

From there, he proposes a test, now dubbed the “Turing Test,” in which a human interrogator attempts to discern between a computer-generated and a human-generated written response.

While this test has been subjected to considerable examination since its publication, it remains an integral element of the history of artificial intelligence as well as an ongoing philosophical notion due to its use of linguistic concepts.

Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig then published Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, which quickly became one of the main textbooks on the subject.

They go into four distinct AI goals or definitions, distinguishing computer systems based on their logic and ability to think vs. their ability to act:

Humane method:

1.Human-like computer systems

2.Systems that behave similarly to humans

The optimal strategy is as follows:

1.Systems capable of rational thought

2.Systems that make rational decisions

Alan Turing’s notion would have been classified as “systems that behave like people.”

Artificial intelligence, in its simplest form, is a field that combines computer science with large datasets to facilitate problem-solving.

Additionally, it comprises the subfields of machine learning and deep learning, which are typically associated with artificial intelligence.

These fields are comprised of artificial intelligence algorithms aimed at developing expert systems capable of making predictions or classifications based on input data.

Today, there is still a lot of hype surrounding AI development, which is to be anticipated of any new emergent technology.

According to Gartner’s hype cycle, product innovations such as self-driving cars and personal assistants follow “a typical progression of innovation, from initial enthusiasm to disillusionment and finally to an understanding of the innovation’s relevance and role in a market or domain.”

As Lex Fridman observes here in his 2019 MIT speech, we are approaching the zenith of inflated expectations and the trough of disillusionment.

As discussions about the ethics of AI begin to emerge, we can witness the first signs of the trough of disillusionment.

Artificial intelligence classifications—weak AI vs. strong AI

Weak AI, also known as Narrow AI or Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), is artificial intelligence that has been trained and focused on performing specific tasks.

Weak AI is responsible for the majority of the AI that surrounds us today.

‘Narrow’ may be a more true definition for this sort of AI, as it supports some quite strong applications, such as Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, IBM Watson, and self-driving cars.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence are the two components of strong AI (ASI).

Artificial general intelligence (AGI), or general AI, is a speculative kind of artificial intelligence in which a machine possesses an intelligence equivalent to that of humans; it possesses a self-aware awareness capable of problem solving, learning, and planning for the future.

Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) — often known as super intelligence — would outperform the human brain’s intelligence and capability.

While strong AI is yet purely theoretical with no practical applications, this does not mean that AI researchers are not investigating its development.

Meanwhile, the best instances of ASI may come from science fiction, such as HAL, 2001: A Space Odyssey’s superhuman, rogue computer aide.


Because deep learning and machine learning are frequently used interchangeably, it’s important to understand the distinctions between the two.

As previously stated, both deep learning and machine learning are subfields of artificial intelligence; in fact, deep learning is a subfield of machine learning.

A visual representation of the relationship between AI, machine learning, and deep learning

Deep learning is composed of neural networks.

The term “deep” in deep learning refers to a neural network with more than three layers—which includes the inputs and outputs.

This is often depicted by the diagram below:

The distinction between deep learning and machine learning lies in the manner in which each algorithm learns.

Deep learning automates a major portion of the feature extraction process, removing the need for manual human involvement and enabling the usage of bigger data sets.

Consider deep learning to be “scalable machine learning,” as Lex Fridman highlighted in the same MIT presentation mentioned above.

Machine learning that is more conventional, or “non-deep,” is more reliant on human involvement to learn.

Human specialists establish a hierarchy of features to comprehend the distinctions between data inputs, which typically requires more organised data to learn.

While “deep” machine learning can benefit from labelled datasets, commonly known as supervised learning, it does not require a labelled dataset.

It is capable of ingesting unstructured data in its raw form (e.g., text, photos) and automatically determining the hierarchy of features that differentiate distinct types of data.

Unlike machine learning, it does not require human assistance to interpret data, allowing for more innovative approaches to scale machine learning.

Applications of artificial intelligence

Today, AI systems have a plethora of real-world applications.

The following are some of the more frequent examples:

Speech Recognition: is often referred to as automatic voice recognition (ASR), computer speech recognition, or speech-to-text. It is a capability that utilises natural language processing (NLP) to convert human speech to text.

Numerous mobile devices incorporate speech recognition into their systems to enable voice search—for example, Siri—or to increase messaging accessibility.

Customer service: Throughout the customer journey, online chatbots are displacing human agents.

They respond to commonly asked questions (FAQs) regarding issues such as shipping or offer personalised advise, such as cross-selling products or recommending appropriate sizes for users, fundamentally altering how we think about client involvement across websites and social media platforms.

Message bots on e-commerce sites with virtual agents, messaging programmes such as Slack and Facebook Messenger, and duties typically performed by virtual assistants and voice assistants are all examples.

Computer Vision: This artificial intelligence technology enables computers and systems to extract meaningful information from digital photos, videos, and other visual inputs and to take appropriate action based on that information.

This suggestion capability distinguishes it from image recognition tasks.

Computer vision, which is based on convolutional neural networks, has applications in social media photo tagging, radiological imaging in healthcare, and self-driving automobiles in the automotive industry.

Recommendation Engines: By analysing historical data on consumer behaviour, AI algorithms can assist identify data trends that can be leveraged to design more effective cross-selling techniques.

This is utilised by online businesses to give relevant add-on recommendations to customers throughout the checkout process.

Automated stock trading: Designed to optimise stock portfolios, AI-powered high-frequency trading platforms execute hundreds, if not millions, of trades daily without human interaction.

The History of Artificial Intelligence: Significant Dates and Persons

The concept of a ‘thinking machine’ extends back to ancient Greece.

However, significant events and milestones in the evolution of artificial intelligence since the introduction of electronic computing (and concerning several of the subjects mentioned in this article) include the following:

1950: Computing Machinery and Intelligence is published by Alan Turing in Turing—famous for cracking the Nazis’ ENIGMA code during WWII—proposes in the article to address the topic ‘can machines think?’ and introduces the Turing Test to assess whether a computer can display the same intelligence (or the equivalent intelligence) as a person.

Since then, the Turing test’s utility has been contested.

1956: John McCarthy coined the phrase ‘artificial intelligence’ at Dartmouth College’s inaugural AI conference.

(McCarthy would later design the Lisp programming language.)

Later that year, Allen Newell, J.C. Shaw, and Herbert Simon develop the Logic Theorist, the world’s first functioning artificial intelligence computer programme.

Frank Rosenblatt creates the Mark 1 Perceptron, the world’s first computer built on a neural network that ‘learned’ via trial and error.

Only a year later, Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert publish Perceptrons, which becomes both a seminal work on neural networks and, for a while, an argument against further neural network research.

1980s: Backpropagation neural networks, which train themselves using a backpropagation algorithm, become widely employed in artificial intelligence applications.

1997: IBM’s Deep Blue defeats Garry Kasparov, the global chess champion at the time, in a chess match (and rematch).

2011: IBM Watson defeats Jeopardy! champions Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter

2015: Baidu’s Minwa supercomputer utilises a type of deep neural network called a convolutional neural network to detect and classify images more accurately than the average person.

2016: DeepMind’s AlphaGo programme defeats Lee Sodol, the world champion Go player, in a five-game match powered by a deep neural network.

The victory is important in light of the game’s enormous number of possible plays (nearly 14.5 trillion after only four moves!).

Google later acquired DeepMind for an estimated $400 million.

Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning, Cloud Computing Will Be The Most Important Technologies In 2023

With the pandemic of COVID-19, the work culture has dominantly shifted to hybrid work culture. There is a quick acceptance of important technologies in 2023 like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cloud computing seems to be some of the best important technologies by the coming year. Stats prove that there is a quick adoption of smartphones, tablets, sensors, drones, and various multiple devices to track and manage. Due to the global pandemic, there is accelerated adoption of cloud computing, AI, machine learning, and 5G by the technology leaders.

The technology leaders have started utilizing various technologies in our day-to-day life like telemedicine, remote learning and education, remote learning and education, entertainment, sports, and live event streaming, manufacturing and assembly and in various fields. The implementation of these smart building technologies brings up the benefits of sustainability, energy savings to become a major option for their selection.

In addition to the 5G, the technology leaders have started utilizing these technology trends in 2023 to improvise the living standards:

1. Farming and agriculture

2. Manufacturing industries, factories

3. Transportation and traffic control

4. Remote learning and education

5. Personal and professional day-to-day communications’

6. Entertainment, sports, and live streaming of events

7. Remote surgery and health record transmissions

Future Technology in 2023
The shift from close meetings to hybrid workforce

With the impact of COVID-19, the technology leaders agree that their team is working closely with the human resources leaders for the implementation of workplace technologies and apps for office check-ins, employee productivity, engagement, and mental health care. The technology leaders have started maintaining strong cybersecurity for a hybrid workforce of remote and in-office workers.

Cyber security

Cyber security seems to be one of the top emerging trends in 2023 related to the mobile and hybrid workforce by utilizing their own devices and cloud vulnerability. Drones are the latest invention designed for security, threat prevention, and surveillance as part of their business model. Stats prove that Brazil, China, India, and the US are some of the states where the utilization of drones is increasing.

An open-source distributed database utilized cryptography with the help of a distributed ledger. As in addition, blockchain- an upcoming future trend in 2023 enables trust among various individuals and third parties. Let’s dig into some of the uses of blockchain technology:

Machine-to-machine interaction became hassle-free in the Internet of Things.

Shipment tracking and contactless digital transactions

Connecting parties securement within a specified ecosystem.

Rise in robots

The next important technology-related change which has been experienced is the rise of robots and stats prove that around 77% state that robots will be utilized to enhance every business sector including sales, human resources, marketing, and IT. Manufacturing and assembly, hospital and patient care. earth and space exploration are some of the sectors where the utilization of robots is going to be increased.

Utilization of HR collaboration at its best!

With the onset of the pandemic, the future technological innovations made the technology leaders start involving various workplace technologies for human resources collaboration. Various companies are involving workplace technologies and apps for office check-in, space usage data, and analytics, COVID and health protocols, enhancing employee productivity, mental health, and engagement.

It’s quite challenging to maintain cybersecurity for a hybrid workforce or remote and in-office workers to be viewed upon. The companies have started to decide the various preventive measures in the post-pandemic future.

The Concluding thoughts

Which next big technology breakthrough is going to last forever? Well, the answer is not definite. The pandemic has accelerated various technologies like as-a-service solutions for artificial intelligence, extended reality(augmented, virtual and mixed reality), robotics, machine learning, and various technologies. The technologies are making a powerful impact most on these marketing applications and make them more engaging.

Who Is Using Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning And For What Assets?

Artificial Intelligence has always been around us, but certain trends like cloud computing and increased storage have been adopted in the last few years. The specific emphasis of AI in asset management and fintech has experienced a disruption in many practices.

AI in investment management has resulted in the reduction of jobs, passive investments, decreasing confidence, and investment fees. On the other hand, it can all be a boon as it has started enabling people to make better decisions quickly and consistently. Since there is a great influence of artificial intelligence to overcome the challenges of asset management has resulted in great efficiency, risk management, and enhance decision making.

Let’s dive into some crucial areas where artificial intelligence in asset management can be easily leveraged and understand What is artificial intelligence currently used for?:

Data science use cases in asset management

AI in asset management in operational functions includes monitoring, quality maintenance, exception handling of the various amounts of information that is managed by managers alone.

The end customers can rely bank upon the data quality which makes fewer blunders and lessens operational risk.

In certain cases, data can be old, missing, or can contain errors, hence the AI in asset management can be utilized to identify anomalies that are based upon statistical assessments.

Digital advice

AI and ML tools can be easily utilized by investors to take better access to the financial markets and gain digital advice. A financial investment requires the proper asset allocation mix to meet its proper objectives understand How can artificial intelligence be used in businesses? To meet these objectives, various attributes like a client’s age, risk tolerance, and desired income in retirement and model-based AI digital tools can help you select the proper asset allocation.

Digital advisors can utilize the AI asset management tools and give an approach to people to offer personalized advice at a lower cost.

Operational Efficiency

In the current digital landscape, asset management firms are imposing various cost-sensitive concerning the applications of artificial intelligence in designing new guidelines, fee pressures, and the step towards the lower-cost passive products.

Various organizations are exercising various programs with an emphasis on outsourcing and process automation. AI asset management is putting an impetus for firms to incorporate innovative operational excellence into services.

Early AI asset management always proves advantageous as they have the upside of changing “as a service” abilities into profit centers and making an upper hand. The speed enhancement offered by artificial intelligence asset management services helps to improve and move at a particularly greater speed. The services become both a defensible advantage and a sustained revenue source for firms.

User experiences and interfaces

Gone are the days when an individual investor used to historically contact a stockbroker to gain information about stock transactions. As an additional thing, they need to consult with a tax specialist or accountant to consider tax implications and understand the value of these investments. With the utilization of AI and ML and the implication of machine language in asset management, the customers can easily select the right asset allocation based on a user’s age, income, risks, and desired income retirement.

Digital advisors also incorporate personalized investment at a lower cost to gain personalized investment. They also offer tax-loss harvesting, portfolio allocation, and digital documentation delivery.

The Conclusion

In the coming future, technology continues to play an integral role in various asset management. These innovative tools are more affordable and the more availability of data continues to increase its utilization of machine language in asset management. It can eventually result in mitigating risks, reducing costs, gaining better returns, and delivering products and services for clients.

Top 10 Trending Tech Courses For 2023

With the growing time, technology is evolving at a great speed. The pandemic has made significant changes to the world as things have not been the same. Keeping an eye on the future helps to secure a safe job and even learn how to get there. Since most of the IT population is sitting back at home and working, then it’s better to make an attempt to include the emerging technologies in 2023.

Let’s dig into the top 10 technology trends in 2023:
Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning

Artificial Intelligence(AI) is now initial to see its implementation is various sectors of life. It is basically known for its superiority in image, speech recognition, ride sharing apps, smartphone personal assistants and many more.

AI is also utilized in analysing interactions to determine underlying connections and insights to help you predict the demands in various hospitals. It helps to enable authorities to make better decisions about the resource utilization and detect the patterns of customer behaviour by analysing data in real time and personal experiences.

Since AI is getting utilised in various sectors, hence new jobs are created in development, programming, support and testing. Stats prove that AI, machine learning and automation will create many jobs by 2025.

AI and machine learning will help you secure jobs:

  1. AI research scientist
  2. AI engineer
  3. AI architect
  4. Machine learning engineer.

Blockchain, one of the best technical courses after graduation can be described as the data you can only add to, not take aways from or change. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation in various areas especially in blockchain or distributed ledger technology.

Many businesses have started adopting blockchain technology for enhancing their business processes. Stats prove that worldwide spending on blockchain solutions is going to reach USD 11.7 billion by the year 2022. Banking is one of the areas where the high-level security, real-time processing and quicker cross-border transcations take place.

Blockchain helps you get secure jobs in the field of various fields and industries:

  1. Risk analyst
  2. Tech architect
  3. Front end engineer
  4. Crypto Community Manager
Internet of Things(IoT)

The list of technical courses after graduation cannot be complete without IoT, as it has always been a promising trend Now a days there are multiple things which can be built with WiFi connectivity. Hence the internet of things(IoT) has enabled various devices, home appliances to be connected to each other and exchange data over the internet.

IoT can be utilised in various applications like for instance you can switch off lights, fans and even lock the door remotely, while tracking the fitness on our Fitbits. The IoT enable better safety, efficiency and decision making for various businesses where the data can be easily collected and analysed.

Forecasts suggest that by 2030 around 50 billion of these IoT devices will be in utilization around the world. The global spending on the Internet of Things(IoT) is going to reach 1.1 trillion U.S dollars by the year 2023.

Cyber Security

Cyber security is an emerging technology and best technical courses in Indiaas the malevolent hackers are trying to access data illegally and continue to find ways to get through the toughest security measures. This latest technology is adapted to enhance security. Cyber security will remain a trending technology as it constantly evolves defend against hackers.

By 2025, around 60% of organizations utilize cybersecurity as a primary determinant in conducting third-party transactions and enhance business engagements.

You can get the roles:

  1. Ethical Hacker
  2. Malware Analyst
  3. Security Engineer
  4. Chief security officer
Quantum Computing

One of the amazing trends is involved in preventing the spread of the coronavirus and to develop potential vaccines is the quantum computing. It has the ability to easily query, monitor , analyse and act on data. Banking and finance is another field where you can manage credit risk for high-frequency trading and fraud detection.

Quantum computers acts much faster than regular computers and huge brands like Honeywell, Microsoft , AWS, Google . By the year 2029, the revenues for global quantum computing market can surpass $2.5 billion.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality and Augmented reality is one of the great technical training courseswhich have helped the user to immerse in an environment and enhance it also. Besides its utilization in gaming applications, it is used as a simulation software to train U.S. navy, army.

AR and VR has got enormous potential in various applications from training, entertainment, education, marketing and even rehabilitation. By 2023, it is estimated that the global AR and VR is expected to reach upto $209.2 billion.

Employers might look for skill set which requires a lot of specialized knowledge, basic programming skills can land a job.

Robotic Process Automation(RPA)

Robotic Process Automation is the utilization of software to automate business processes like transaction processing, interpreting applications, dealing with data and email reply. The automation of tasks can be easily automated sing RPA.

Stats prove that RPA automation can be harmful for existing jobs as 5 percent of occupations can be totally automated.

If you can learn RPA, then you can gain a number of career opportunities like

1. RPA developer

2. RPA analyst

3. RPA architect

Edge Computing

Cloud computing has been found difficult to deal with when the quantity of data organizations increases. Edge computing helps to resolve problems to bypass the latency caused by cloud computing and getting data to a data centre for processing. Edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote locations with limited or no connectivity to a centralized location.

The stats prove that with the increase of Internet of Things(IoT) increases, the edge computing will also increase. By 2023, the global edge computing is expected to reach $6.72 billion. Following are some of the job positions which can be secured if you can master cloud computing and quantum computing:

Cloud reliability engineer

DevOps cloud engineer

Cloud architect and security architect

Cloud Infrastructure engineer


With the growing time, 5G has become the next technology trend and the most in-demand tech skills. It enables services that rely on advanced technologies like AR and VR, cloud based gaming services like Google and lot more.

HD cameras with the implication of 5G helps to improve safety and traffic management, smart grid control and smart retail. Many telecom companies like Apple, Nokia Corp, QUALCOMM are really working om mobile traffic data making. It is estimated that by 2024, around 40% of the world will be utilized by 5G networks.

Drones are improving navigation and using the Internet of Things(IoT) to communicate with on-board devices. The development of 5G and 6G continues to improve smart cities around the world and support the drone market.


Telemedicine has become the talk of the town during this pandemic situation. Many people are avoiding the risk of contracting the coronavirus to their workers and patients. The doctors and patients are communicating via video chat where artificial intelligence conducts diagnostics using photographs.

By early 2023, the number of remote receptions is going to increase a count of billion. It is also expected that machine learning will be gradually utilized in diagnostics, administrative work and creation of robots for healthcare

The Conclusion

Many technological advances in 2023 is going to continue with the impact of COVID-19. These trending technologies are welcoming skilled professionals with nice amount of salary. Master in these courses and get on-board at the early stages of these trending courses.

Highly Recommended List Of Top 5 Machine Learning Jobs In 2023 India!

A career in Machine Learning has been a highly rewarding trail for burgeoning engineers. And
Machine Learning is one of the fields evolving at a brisk pace. With newer, snappier, and more
competent upgrades introduced each day, the sector enables numerous exciting opportunities
for budding engineers.

More than salary package, the present generation needs high job security, quick career growth
and a good reputation to make their career attractive. If you really want to be an integral part of
greater tech evolution, here is the list of the top 5 highest paying Machine Learning jobs.
India Shifts The Gears to Machine Learning! Find the high recommended jobs in 2023!

Machine Learning And Image Processing Engineer:

With the rapidly growing payscale in India for Machine Learning and Image Processing
Engineer, gaining the required skills would assure a polished future. Budding engineers will also
have the opportunity to be a part of this job role.

In order to get through, as an engineer, you should have knowledge of Edge detection, image
classification, object detection, and image segmentation along with the collective knowledge
of OpenCV and Python. Along with the working knowledge of Python web frameworks like
Django and Fast API, any graduate with any specification can apply for the job role. The national
average salary for the role would be 3,19,356 rupees per annum.

Interns- Machine Learning and AI:

The ML and AI sector have great potential for future growth, especially in India as it is still in its
nascent stage of development. The sector is proliferating with the great demand for ML and AI
 skyrocketing than ever. The engineers interested in the same need to have a refined
understanding of SQL and working with relational databases. The national average salary for the
intern role would be around 2.80 lakh per annum.

Research Engineer:

Understanding the needs of the consumers and hustling for the development in the same will be
the crucial task for research engineers. Hence these professionals thrive to integrate current
systems and processes via thorough research and building knowledge in the same. The excessive
demand for the role is gaining the traction of the majority of the applicants. The national average
salary for the role would be approximately 12 lakh per annum.

Machine Learning Developer:

The work of a Machine learning developer involves AB testing, accurate candidate ranking,
and effectual visualisations. The professionals also work on effective budget pacing,
researching new traffic, and mitigating the effects of selection bias.
In order to apply for the job role, applicants need to have a collective knowledge of foundational
math associated with Machine Learning like statistical models, probabilistic models, and
numerical optimization. The role pays you off between 7.5 lakh to 8 lakh per annum in India.

Data Scientist:

The role of the professional would be managing and researching the data, which will be
produced on a daily basis in the digital age. He makes a value out of data by proactively fetching
the data from genuine sources and whitepapers. The national average salary for the role would e
10,50,500 rupees per annum.

Artificial Intelligence: A Brief Write-Up On Its History, Types And Future!

Over the past couple of years, you have frequently heard the term Artificial Intelligence. Whilst Artificial Intelligence continues to evolve and embellish more user-friendly, the responsibility is on you to learn the relevant skills of this emerging technology for the future.

If you are a newbie to Artificial Intelligence and would like to explore it in-depth? Then you are at the right place, this article enlightens you about a depth explanation of the history, types and future of Artificial Intelligence.

What Is Artificial Intelligence? 

Artificial Intelligence is the combination of science and engineering of building intelligent machines, specifically intelligent computer programs. It is achieved by analyzing the cognitive process and the patterns of the human mind. The product of these research and studies encourages the creation of intelligent software and systems.

AI programming objects on three main cognitive skills:

  1. Learning Processes: This part of AI programming aims at obtaining data and generating directives for how to transform the data into useful information. The directives, which are referred to as algorithms, facilitate computing devices with stepwise directions for how to accomplish a particular task.
  • Reasoning Processes: This part of AI programming thrives to choose the right algorithms or directives to meet the desired outcome.
  • Self-correction processes: This part of AI programming is created to frequently fine-tune directives and make sure they facilitate highly accurate results.

Read: Why AI is important in online education

A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence! 

The electrifying journey of Artificial Intelligence is actually set in motion in 1956. That is the timeline where John McCarthy introduced the term AI.

Artificial Intelligence in 250BC:

Wondering, how? Well, it all initiated a centuries back in 250 BC when Ctesibius, a popular Greek mathematician and inventor, built the very first artificial automatic self-regulatory system.

Evolution of AI from 380BC to late 1600s: 

Renowned philosophers, mathematicians and theologists conducted in depth research and published reports that contemplated over numeral and mechanical techniques. For example, the theologian and the catalan poet Ramon Llull publicized The Ultimate General Art, easing his access of endorsing paper-based mechanical techniques to create fresh knowledge via mixture of concepts.

Artificial Intelligence From 1700 to 1950. 

In the 1700s: 

Jonathan Swift has published the novel “Gulliver’s Travels“, the novel thrived to explain enhancing the knowledge and mechanical operations till the least talented man would seem skilled via the knowledge and encouragement of a material mind which simulates AI.

From 1900 to 1950: 

1921: Czech plyaright Karel Capek realeased scince fiction play called “Rossum’s Universal Robots”. The main aim of the project was to highlight factory-made artificial people whom the director named as  robots.

1925 to 1950: Sci-fi movies, small robot projects, novels and including other digital gadgets, research-based findings based on Artificial Intelligence escalated, giving rise to a drastic advancements in the sector.

A New Era For Artificial Intelligence from  1950 to 2000! 

1950 to 2000: 

1950: The father of information theory Claude Shannon published the first article on developing a chessplaying computer algorithm.

1959: Arthur Samuel introduced the term “Machine Learning” as he was passionate about computer programming for playing a chess game that could play and compete against live human players.

1966: MIT professor Joseph Weizenbaum developed the first natural language processing computer program that is the first chatbot, Eliza.

1970: Waseda University which is located in Japan has developed the first anthropomorphic robot called WABOT-1 which has included movable limbs and conversing and observing ability.

1981: Japanese Ministry of Internation Trade and Industry allotted $850 million to the 5th generation computer project. The main motive of the investment is to create computers that could perform interactions, think like human beings, and analyze pictures.

1998: Dave Hampton and Caleb Chung developed a domestic robot Furby.

Revolution of Artificial Intelligence from 2000 to 2021: 

2009: Google developed a driverless car. Additionally, the car has managed to pass Nevada’s self-driving test.

2010: Built-in, a voice-controlled personal assistant called Siri was introduced by Apple, specifically designed for Apple users. The voice assistant was capable of observing, comprehending, suggesting, and responding to information to users by enhancing voice commands.

2014: Amazon has come up with a groundbreaking concept called Alexa, which functions as a smart speaker acting as a home assistant.

2016: Google introduced a smart speaker Google Home, which functions as a personal assistant adopting AI.

2018: AI model introduced by Alibaba scored the highest competing humans in a Stanford University comprehension and reading test.

2020: OpenAI GPT-3, was developed in May  2020. This project model creates text by adopting algorithms that are pre-trained.

Types of Artificial Intelligence:
  1. Purely Reactive : 

This kind of machine or robot will not include any data or memory to work with, specifying in just one portion of work. For instance, this kind of machines observe the moves and makes the suitable decision to win in a chess game.

  • Limited Memory: 

These kind of machines accumulate historical data and carry on adding it to their memory. They hold sufficient memory to make best decisions. For instance, these kind of machines can recommend a restaurant depending upon the past location data that has been collected.

  • Theory of Mind: 

These kind of Artificial Intelligence machines can recognize emotions, thoughts, and interact publicly. Moreover, currently there has been lot of research going on in this area.

  • Self-Aware

These kind of machines will be more concious, sentimental, and intelligent.

Future of Artificial Intelligence: 

Maximalists in the sector predict that Artificial Intelligence will easily outpower humans at every tast within next 50 years. The present research and trends in AI has been exceptional. Every day, we listen to interesting stories related to machines and systems taking on tasks, we have recently witnessed that AI is making medical diagnoses, designing buildings, drafting legal documents and composing music.

In the upcoming days, Artificial Intelligence has the terrific potential to disrupt Manufacturing, Transportation, Healthcare, Media, Education, Customer service and more.

Machine Learning As A Service Is Redefining The Businesses In New A Light!

The software firm has undergone vivid changes over the last few years. Meanwhile, Machine learning as a service provider (MLaaS) is evolving at a brisk phase.

MLaaS has transformed into an integral aspect of managing a business in the digital era. Moreover, Machine Learning as a Service enables a range of tools that embrace Machine learning tools as part of cloud computing services.

MLaaS is a sunshade for stockpiling numerous cloud-based manifesto that depends on machine learning tools to offer solutions that could boost Machine Learning teams with pre-processing of the data, straight off predictive analysis for distinct use cases, model training and tuning, and run orchestration.

MLaaS is Redefining the Businesses in a New Light! 

Over the past couple of years, distinct services have transpired including PaaS  (Platform as a Service), SaaS (Software as a Service) and IaaS (infrastructure as a service). There is an acute rivalry in the cloud space market with Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) that facilitates a fierce alternative.

The emerging trend of shifting over to data storage to the cloud, managing it and capturing the best insights has redefined an ally in MLaaS that enables these services at a reliable cost. In brief, MLaaS offers generic, ready-made Machine-Learning tools that any business can utilize to meet their desired working standards.

This is Why MLaaS is Essential for Businesses! 

A wide range of industries has already adapted MLaaS. At present, the technology is being used in processes such as supply chain optimization, network analytics, marketing, fraud detection, advertising and inventory management optimization.

As per the recent report by Inter Press Service News Agency, the global MLaaS market was valued at US $2103.3 million in 2021 and is expected to surpass the US $7923.8 million by 2028, at a CAGR of 20.9%. 

Machine Learning as a Service, or MLaaS, be allied to cloud-based technology-as-a-service genre platforms, where organizations deploy their Machine Learning operations. At present, Machine Learning services are facilitated by cloud service providers such as IBM, Google, Microsoft, and AWS, delivered via AI tools in the cloud computing environment, generating predictive models operated by Machine learning algorithms.

Read Highly Recommended List Of Top 5 Machine Learning Jobs in 2022 India!

Benefits of MLaaS: 

MLaaS has been close to the glitter and limelight as it enables a wide range of benefits for several businesses. Businesses have the opportunity to procure a competitive edge by using ML technology and the computing capacity offered by MLaaS. They can access the benefit of identical services facilitated by more established and larger competitors with the availability of professional and large-scale Machine Learning and data needs. Apart from this, MLaaS facilitates businesses with swift insights, availing better and quicker decision-making.

At present, the leading cloud service providers are Microsoft’s Azure ML, Amazon’s Amazon Ml, IBM’s Watson and Google Cloud ML. Along with data and its engagement advancing to the cloud, MLaaS is on the edge to redefine Machine Learning and generate a synergistic outcome. As per a recent survey study, the MLaaS market value will rise by 49% from 2017 to 2023. The technology also intends to reshape IoT with innovations.

Read: How to Become a Machine Learning Engineer

How Machine Learning AI Is Going To Revolutionise The Gaming Sector Forever

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have been implementing adaptive and responsive features that can change the future of gaming forever. Meanwhile, the latest trends in Machine Learning AI development have been hitting the headlines for their contribution to game development.

Machine Learning AI is hailed as an unbeaten mastermind in various fields, hopefully,, futuristic upgrades may completely change the aura of the the gaming sector. Hence, there is no doubt that technology like ML and AI will be the inevitable future of gaming. It will be a great deal once these emerging technologies can be incorporated and refined into a game.

Read: What is AI? Here’s everything you need to know about artificial intelligence

Machine Learning AI Game On!
Appealing Visuals

Essentially, Machine Learning AI could enhance the gaming experience by advancing visual quality. With ever-growing amounts of data at our disposal, users can experience unique game environments and characters that make the play more realistic and natural.

The technology has the potential to incorporate more advanced and modern forms of AI into our game processes. These groundbreaking technologies help achieve more human emotion thereby gaining larger traction of the user base.

Real-world Ramfications

Emerging AI with voice assistants is being concatenated into our smartphones and smartphones. For instance, Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, and Cortana are already diversifying the way we play games.

The voice assistant apps have already become industry standard enabling great change in the user interface and user experience. As there is very much work in progress, well-integrated AI assistants have the potential to leave their speakers and once these technologies reach their peak, mainstream gaming could end up with digital gaming and storytelling experiences.

Customized Play

The idea of customized service via Machine Learning AI could also disrupt our gaming experience, certainly bringing them more directly into our lives. Advanced AI can access data about individual players in many ways.

Sophisticated Design Tools

AI does just not change the game content but enhances the overall game design. With enough development under progress, we could see Machine Learning AI and data collection work hand in hand, to support designers to create the best possible systems.

Necessarily, Machine Learning approaches have a wide range of connotation in the majority of all sectors and the way the technology intersect across gaming has potentially some of the broadest implications.

Several problems are becoming increasingly complex to fund, manage, and make, as they blow up in graphical fidelity and exponential complexity.

Machine Learning with AI helps build the models of their own rules within parameteres. Whereas, Video games are non-players that are created by a programmer.

Machine Learning AI model has the potential to create practically more quest dialogues, making from an update about the world of warcraft’s on websites and wiki entry searches to create scarily realistic and practical objectives that comprise real place names and enemy types.

Machine Learning AI codes or programs will take a major role play in building the animation and construction of creatures, characters, and level assets at a reliable cost. However, these tools will not replace the manpower but complicates the work. If AI is incorporated with Machine learning then AI can provide an animation that could purely save developers time and ease the tasks that will have a significant impact on the player’s experience.

Read: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Will Be the Most Important Technologies in 2023

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: The Future Superstars of Cybersecurity!

Cybersecurity is an absolute necessity as Data breaches have been rising at a breakneck speed. They have been affecting businesses & organizations of all sorts, and these data thefts cost millions in damages.

Thousands of data breaches have been observed throughout the year including the Data breach, the Texas Department of Insurance Data Leak, and the Apple & Meta Data breach.

Hence our futurity aims for a competent manoeuvre of protecting data online from potential cyber threats.

Few technological advancements helping tackle these data breaches, so perhaps there’s a ray of hope ultimately. Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning has become a boon to enhance cybersecurity.

Moreover, Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning both can supplement the safety measures of distinct applications that become easy targets. Let us understand how AI & ML together hold a massive contribution to helping businesses enhance their data security measures.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Augment Data Safety Measures

As more industries, organisations, and businesses transform to digital, cyber threats have been mushrooming. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning proved to be effective tools for tackling such cyber threats. These groundbreaking information technologies analyse billions of pieces of data in real-time and take security measures.

AI & ML are best positioned to combat the rising cybersecurity challenges. Especially, AI can analyse and counter variance from the norm. As per the reports by Capgemini Research Institute, 61% of businesses, which depend on digital media will fail to recognise threats without the help of Artificial Intelligence. However, 69% of businesses acknowledge that AI is inevitable to counter cyber threats. Moreover, it is believed that the market for this technology is estimated to reach $46.3 billion by 2027.

How AI & ML Help Businesses To Counter Data Breaches?
Identifying Deviations:

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning utilize behavioural records that enable profiles for people, networks, and assets to detect deviations that may be indicative of a potential cyber attack.

Foreseeing probable cyber threats:

These disruptive technologies make it feasible to exercise huge chunks of data of various types to forecast probable data breaches before they take place.

Countering cyber attacks in real-time:

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning methodologies can alarm when a data breach is detected or counter automatically with no human interruption.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Businesses that adopt AI & ML into their data security strategies are gaining massive advantages.

Quick Detection of Data threat & Counter Attack

AI & ML can easily detect millions of pieces of data. In addition, not only respond to threats but also autonomously improvise response times. Cyber threats can infiltrate any organization’s digital space & cause harm. However, this disruptive technology’s quick detection & response time is the key.

Reduced IT costs:

AI & ML together lower the effort and time needed to predict and counter data breaches, making them reliable tools depend on. As per the Capgemini reports, it lowers by 12% of IT costs. However, there are also some examples where businesses lowered IT costs by 15%.

Improving cyber analyst productivity:

With these groundbreaking technologies, cyber analysts can work with reduced pressure saving time to manually shift to data logs. AI & ML can alarm cyber analysts regarding potential cyber threats highlighting the type of attack.

Collectively, with increasing cyber threats, the need for more efficient technology has been on the rise. However, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning have become saviours in countering cyber threats by being more effective. It may become inevitable for future Cyber analysts to acquire AI & ML-relevant skills.

The platform for such aspirants, who wants to be a part of this technological revolution shortly, NearLearn is the best institute. With effective classroom training, you get the opportunity to experience live projects. If you’re looking out to own these skillsets then NearLearn at Bangalore is happy to assist you.

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